Home > vgrep


Vgrep is a project mainly written in VIM SCRIPT and C, it's free.

another grep in wide look

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=773

vgrep.vim is working for some people have complex project with deep directory

The vgrep.vim plugin script is work another grep unlike unix grep which use different output for look, if you didn't have such grep download at http://www.interlog.com/~tcharron/grep.html and patch with grep20f.dif

wide format via unix format
============ Wide Output Format ================= File: C:vimvim62pluginvgrep.vim
1: File: vgrep.vim
17: let loaded_vgrep = 1
File: C:vimvim62plugin esttttt1 esttttt2 esttttt3whereis.vim
1: File: whereis.vim

save you eye see real code ============ Unix Output ======================== pluginvgrep.vim:1: file... pluginvgrep.vim:17: let... plugin esttttt1 esttttt2 esttttt2whereis.vim:1: file ...
