Home > vim-paste-marker


Vim-paste-marker is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

vim plugin , this enables you to first put mark as target then yank to distined target.


Current state is alpha relase.


default keymap( fom me! mac key prefix)

put mark nnoremap :call Pm.put_mark()

peep target mark nnoremap :call Pm.next_target()

Yank visualy selected text and immediately Paste to marked target vnoremap :call Pm.next_target()gv

move target mark (useless if you use only one mark) vnoremap :call Pm.next_target()gv

Paste and clear all mark, don't return yanked position vnoremap y:call Pm.paste_next(1):call Pm.clear_all()

Paste and return yanked position. vnoremap y:call Pm.paste_next(0)

clear all mark nnoremap :call Pm.clear_all()

Useful Scenario

Gather source fragment scatterd to several file to marked target, then start modfying.

paste mark with <D-p> to your working file. ex) working.rb
then explore several file , each time you find useful code, you can use
<D-P> to paste selected text to working file.
And use <D-p> when you want to back to marked place.


default number of mark is 1. but you can change number of mark to be used.

let g:PasteMarkerSize = 2

you can move target between marks with <D-M>.
