Home > browserprint


Browserprint is a project mainly written in VIM SCRIPT and PYTHON, it's free.

Prints text files to the browser

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3591


Adds a new command, :BrowserPrint, which will send the contents of the current buffer to a new browser window (or tab) in HTML, preserving the current font, formatting, and encoding.

Just run :BrowserPrint, and watch the magic.


Printing from MacVim opens a PDF in Preview, with monospace font and the encoding completely lost. Other GUI vims may have similar problems. This is a workaround that relies on HTML and a decent web browser to preserve the formatting nicely.

The idea is to send it to the browser, then use the browser's built-in print functionality.


  • Requires Python support in Vim
  • Should work on Windows/Linux but not tested (yet!)
  • HTML content in the file will screw up the output as it isn't escaped