Home > colors


Colors is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Functions to manipulate color values (vim7).

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1444

Rgb2Hsv - change RGB into HSV colorspace Hsv2Rgb - change HSV into RGB colorspace

r, g, b [0..255] h [0..359] s, v [0..255] sic!

Hex2Rgb - change Hex notation (#ffffff) into rgb [255,255,255] Rgb2Hex - change RGB notation into Hex notation Txt2Rgb - change text names of functions into RGB notation (names according to rgb.txt of X consortium)

In addition there is function ColorFormula which will tell if brightness and color differences are good enough (according to W3C) to became background and text colors. Good for testing colorschemes on HTML sites and Vim.