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Multiselect is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Create multiple selections and operate

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=953

This plugin extends the Vim's visual mode functionality by allowing you to select non-contiguous regions and execute commands on them. It makes it really easy to select multiple regions using mouse, as you can use Ctrl+Mouse combination just like in MS Word. There are a number of operations to very easily manipulate selections such as modifying the regions (add/delete/inverte/clear), hiding, refreshing, saving and restoring etc. You can execute both normal and :ex mode commands in one shot on all the regions. The selections are also local to the buffer, so you can have separate selectins for each buffer.


Once installed, the features are available in all the buffers. To create selection regions you can use mouse or keyboard.

  • To use mouse, hold Ctrl key and make a visual selection using the LeftMouse button just like you normally do. Once the mouse button is released, the selection gets automatically added as a new selection region. If you are selecting only one line, you can release the mouse button without having to drag.
  • To use keyboard, make a visual selection using |visual-mode| commands or mouse and press to create a new region out of it. The (or ) key is mapped only if it is not already mapped in visual mode. The cursor is placed in the direction of the selection such that it is easier to continue moving the cursor for making further selections.
  • To clear part or the whole of a region from selection, repeat the same exact procedure over that region. You can however mix mouse and keyboard usage. The procedure is equivalent to running the |:MSInvert| command as describe in |multiselect-commands|.
  • Once you repeat the procedure to create all the regions that you need to act on, use one of the |:MSExecCmd| or |:MSExecNormalCmd| (or one of their equivalent maps) to execute commands on them. Ex:
    • Delete all the lines in the current selections > MSExecCmd d
    • Convert all the characters in the current selections to upper case. > MSExecNormalCmd gU
  • Use |:MSClear| (or its map) to clear the selection.

With the support of multiselect in other plugins, it becomes very useful. E.g., you can execute perfoce commands such as submitting files (using vimscript#240) on a group of selected files, using the multiselect support in selectbuf plugin (vimscript #107). It is possible to extend netrw plugin to support operations on multiple files too.

Search_key_words: multiselect multiple selection select selections mouse hari_vim Hari Krishna Dara
