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Myprojects is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Organize/Navigate projects of files (like IDE/buffer explorer/project.vim)

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2556

You can use it to set up a list of frequently-accessed files for easy navigation. The list of files will be displayed in a window on the left side of the Vim window. Unlike project.vim, myprojects.vim use indentation instead of mark to define folder. Main features are file exploration, tags generation, filtering, working directory definition, vim session management, F1 to F12 mapping definition, make definition, errorformat definition, buffers explorer and svn checkout/update/add/commit/revert/diff/blame/info/resolved/log support. Please, report any bug to myprojects.vim[..at..]mageekbox.net. Help for debug is welcome !