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Oo is a project mainly written in RUBY and VIM SCRIPT, it's free.

Java code commpletion

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1204

This plugin is used for Java code completion. It's depends on ctags , vim which +ruby future is enabled. For generate tags : ctags --fileds=+ai ..... For generate tags Index file: :ruby generateIndex("/usr/java/jdk/src/tags",2) The second parameter which value is 2 is recommand.

Once you vim version is 7.00aa :set cfu=OocompleteFun You can use -x-u for this samle: String str=""; str.to ^-X-U For c++ user: SomeClass * abc; abc->So ^-X-U Both java and c++ Abc::So ^-X-U Then toByteArray, toUpperCase... would be selectable.

vim version is 6.xx :Oofun String to First parameter is name of the class , the second is the function name ( partly) Then toByteArray, toUpperCase... would be show in command window.

One command is added, It's used to check variable type :Ootype varname

TODO list : ctags's support for jdk1.5 , something incorrectly. like ,java.util.Vector Advanced varible define selector. Something lik normal command gd

     The last, my poor document  and my poor English,