Home > vim-spell.tar.gz


Vim-spell.tar.gz is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Another spell-checker plugin

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=135

VIM-Spell is a spell-checker plugin for VIM based on Ispell or Aspell.

This plugin can parse a file and look for misspellings, highlight them, jump from one to another, choose the language, add new words to the dictionary, ignore some, and so on.

The main feature is probably the split window used to propose alternatives for a misspelling and to correct it. To give an idea, here is a little screenshot : http://hermitte.free.fr/vim/ressources/VS-capture.gif

More over, in order to speed up the processing, the calls to ispell/aspell are regrouped. All the alternatives for every misspelling in the current document are cached in a local file. Then, obtaining the alternatives for a given misspelling is an instantaneous operation.

For more information, you can take a look at the help file archived in the tarball or look at : http://hermitte.free.fr/vim/ressources/vimfiles/doc/VS_help.html Rem.: the site is quite slow.

The latest version have been tested with VIM 6.1 under a PC/WindowsXP/cmd.exe and PC/WindowsXP/Cygwin-bash.

Changelog available at: http://hermitte.free.fr/vim/ressources/vimfiles/macros/vim-spell/ChangeLog BTW, you may find a more up-to-date version of the plugin at: http://hermitte.free.fr/vim/ressources/ Note: the latest versions are no longer compatible with Vim 5.x.
