Home > vimrc.tcl


Vimrc.tcl is a project mainly written in Tcl, it's free.

Adds a SQLWorksheet type interface to Oracle SQL*Plus

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=33

This small hack requires Tcl to be compiled into your copy of Vim.

The default settings will allow this hack to work on the default SQL*Plus temp file, afiedt.buf, only.

To use simply highlight the query you would like to run and press Enter. You should drop back down to SQL*Plus. Do the usual '/' and your good to go.

Have not tried this hack with PL/SQL or multiple Query's but I cannot see why it won't work, or why it would for that matter.


1) :wq causes an error message about writing the file. Safe to ignore but would be nice to get rid of this.

2) No checks to make sure you have highlighted a valid Query. Hence all hell breaks loose if you don't.

3) You HAVE to have a trailing ';' on your Query for this hack to work. Would be nice if you didn't have to have that. Would also be nice if you could run a group of statements.
