VIRSYSPy is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

A Python library to run FIRST Robotics Competition code in the VIRSYS (Virtual Robot System) simulator

This Python library will test FRC robot code in conjunction with the VIRSYS physics simulator. It will implement the same API as WPILib, allowing one to test the same code that will run on the cRIO.


  1. VIRSYS (VIrtual Robot SYStem) Go to http://www.virsys.org/get_started.html, and get

    • VIRSYS alpha download
    • GLUT library You not the LabVIEW project as this Python implementation replaces it.
  2. Python Go to http://python.org/download/, download Python for your platform virsysPy has been tested on Python 3.1.2 and Python 3.2, but others should work as well.


Run both programs simultaneously:
  * robot.py     <-- from this project, virsysPy
  * virsys.exe   <-- from the VIRSYS download, DEPENDENCIES #1
Put your robot program in robot.py.  A sample is provided.
It is hard coded for Autonomous mode (a fix will come later).
For now, to test Operator Control, change:
  * robot.py: add an OperatorControl method
  * fake_wpilib.py: RobotBase.IsOperatorControl to return True
                    RobotBase.IsAutonomous      to return False


To run your Python program on a different computer than VIRSYS, edit
both network.conf and VIRSYS's virsysPhysics.txt to reflect the IP
addresses and port numbers of the respective hosts

Edit port numbers in cRIO_ports.conf to match the port numbers on your
actual robot.