Home > visual_telnet


Visual_telnet is a project mainly written in PYTHON and SHELL, it's free.

A python project. Execute a telnet from several hosts using SSH and generate a drawing using graphviz. Version 3.

(1) Install using macport (http://www.macports.org/) py27-crypto @2.4_1 py27-distribute @0.6.24_0 py27-paramiko @ py27-pygraphviz @1.0_0 python27 @2.7.2_1 graphviz @2.28.0_2

Enviroment & Tools Mac OS X 10.7.2 Aptana Studio 3 (http://www.aptana.com/)

(2) Create config files from_hosts_file example in/from_host_sample.txt to_hosts_file example in/to_hosts_sample.txt

(3) Copy telnet.py to user home from any host on from_hosts_file

(4) Run:

python2.7 visual_telnet_v3.py <out_put_file-without.extension> <generate_graphic:yes|no>