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SandBox is a project mainly written in C and RUBY, it's free.

SandBox by Andrew Johnson


Andrew Johnson Computer Science Department Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202 [NOTE: Andy is now at the Electronic Visualization Lab at UIC]

[OpenGL & FreeVR ports by Bill Sherman (thus far), 2005]

[NOTE: for the moment you'll have to set the directory that contains the FreeVR library in the Makefile. Then ...]

Type "make" to make the application ("sandbox"). If necessary, it should also compile the hershey font library (ie. the first time you compile things).

To run the program just type "sandbox". If any of the datafile are not found the program will abort the load. However, all the data should be included in this distribution.

Once the demo is running and you are in the environment the wand buttons have the following uses: left button: not used middle button: grab/drop an instrument, select from menus right button: activate/deactivate options, turn menus on/off A 3D cross shows the position of the wand.

All of the button operations in this demo are simple clicks, no clicking and holding the button down.

The left wall has a calendar. Moving the wand over to the calendar will highlight specific days. The middle button selects/desects days. The current virtual day (shown in red) cycles through the set of currently selected days (shown in blue.) The application begins with some dates pre-selected.

On the right side of the front wall is the instrument pallet. Moving the wand over to the instrument pallet will highlight specific instruments. The middle button selects (grabs) an instrument. With an instrument in hand all of the sights where that instrument can be placed are highlighted in yellow. Moving the wand over one of those sites turns the site red. Pressing the middle Button again then drops the instrument onto that site. Similarly The middle button can be used to pick up an instrument from a highlighted site.

The instruments are (in order) Thermometer Satellite No Instrument Wind Sock Airplane Paper/Pencil Beaker Helicopter Camera

The left side of the front wall shows the user's position and the wand's position in the cave as well as a graph of the past 6 hours worth of measurements from the instruments. Depending on the speed of the machine this demo is being run on, the hours may be zipping by pretty quickly.

The user can also move the wand over to the sun or moon to select it and activate its menu using the right button. This allows the user to alter the behaviour of time by clicking on the appropriate square button using the middle button of the wand. The right button then dismisses the menu.

Moving the wand near the plane and clicking the right button will bring up the menu for the plane. This allows the user to alter the appearance of the plane by clicking on the appropriate square button using the middle button of the wand. The right button then dismisses the menu.

If the user places the satellite instrument into the sky the user can activate its menu by highlighting the satellite and clicking the right button. This allows the user to change which satellite image is overlayed on the plane by clicking on the appropriate square button using the middle button of the wand. The right button then dismisses the menu.

IF the user moves the wand over an instrument on the plane (highlighting the site), clicking the right button will bring up the menu for that instrument. This allows the user to change the settings on the instrument using the left button of the wand. The right Button dismisses the menu.

If you have any questions: [email protected]