Home > Viyond


Viyond is a project mainly written in Perl, it's free.

Viyond is Vim plugin manager which uses github as a repository. Use Viva if you use pathogen + git submodule

NAME Viyond - Vim plugin manager which uses github as repository. It's still experimental one, so be careful to use.

SYNOPSIS viyond search neocomplcache - search and install vim plugin viyond list - list all installed vim plugins with their numbers viyond remove neocomplcache - remove installed plugin viyond remove 1 - remove installed plugin with listed number viyond remove -all - remove all installed plugins viyond files neocomplcache - show installed files of installed plugin viyond files 1 - show installed files of installed plugin with listed number viyond upgrade - upgrade all installed plugins viyond upgrade neocomplcache - upgrade installed plugin viyond upgrade 1 - upgrade installed plugin with listed number viyond desc neocomplcache - print description of installed plugin viyond desc 1 - print description of installed plugin with listed number viyond add - execute 'git add' after chdir to .vim and .viyond. Ignores .vim/view and .viyond/repos

DESCRIPTION Viyond is Vim plugin manager, inspired by Vimana and Yaourt. It uses github as a repository for searching, installing and upgrading plugins. It also privides functions as removing and listing vim plugins installed. Currently it does not support vim-plugin management style with pathogen and git submodule.

CONFIGURATION You can use Viyond with your own config file ($HOME/.viyondrc) with JSON format.

    "viyond_path": "/home/neko/.viyond",
    "vimfiles_path": "/home/neko/.vim"

AUTHOR zentooo [email protected]

SEE ALSO LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
