Home > VoroninFirmware


VoroninFirmware is a project mainly written in C, it's free.

Firmaware for Atmel AVR ATmega16 to drive the Voronin target mechanism

26-January-2011 Initial commit by Mikhail Ukhanov. This firmware is used to drive the mechanic of our target station. The design software is WinAvr and ProgrammersNotepad. The microcontroller is Atmel AVR ATmega-16 The board used in the project is made by www.Olimex.com It is Olimex AVR-IO-M16. See manufaturer web site for details of the board desing.

The code is far-far from been nice. Many things need cleaning. I suspect that it contains errors and even funny things. But it works in our case.

The origin of the code was taken from the "lagedemo" example by Joerg Wunsch under beer-ware license. I would like to buy him a beer if it happens to meet him some day.

You may use it under the same (beer-ware) license terms. It is provided "as is" without (even implied) warranties.
