Home > vortex_import_example


Vortex_import_example is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Example ruby script that scrapes a website and publish content to cms using webdav

= Import webpages Vortex CMS example

Scrape webpages and import to the Vortex CMS using the WebDAV protocol. This example imports webpages from the site www.ifi.uio.no,"Institutt for Informatikk" at the University of Oslo.

= Installation

Install ruby and rubygems first. This script works with ruby 1.8.7. All libraries are available as rubygems, and can be installed with bundler.

gem install bundler gem update --system bundle install

= Usage

To execute the script:

ruby msg_parser.rb

Author: Thomas Flemming, IT Services, University of Oslo 2011
