Home > vp6500mixer


Vp6500mixer is a project mainly written in C, it's free.

audio mixer for VP6500 VoIP phone

vp6500mixer - sound mixer utility für Philips VP6500 VoIP phone

Copyright (C) 2010 Christian Garbs [email protected] licensed under GNU GPL v2 or later

build instructions

1) Get a crosscompile environment, for example this: http://www.handhelds.org/download/projects/toolchain/arm-linux-gcc-3.3.2.tar.bz2

Extract to /opt/VP5500/toolchain and set a symlink as described here: http://www.mikrocontroller.net/articles/PHILIPS_VP5500_VoIP_Telefon#Linux $ ln -s /opt/VP5500/toolchain/usr/local/arm /usr/local/arm

2) Edit bash.include to your needs (not needed if above tarball is extracted and linked as instructed).

3) Source bash.include: $ . ./bash.include

4) Simply run make: $ make

additional information on the VP6500

http://www.mikrocontroller.net/articles/PHILIPS_VP5500_VoIP_Telefon http://www.mikrocontroller.net/topic/172616