Home > vworker-select-all-workers-firefox-extension


Vworker-select-all-workers-firefox-extension is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Firefox extension to select all workers in vWorker search results page

vWorker Select All Workers

commissioned on vworker.


vWorker Select All Workers is an extension for Mozilla Firefox that allows automatic selection for inviting all the coders on the vWorker.com site.


By default, the extension selects all the coders on the vWorker.com results page automatically without requiring intervention of the user. This behaviour can be modify by clicking on the status bar icon, and unchecking the "Execute automatically" checkbox.

The status bar icon menu provides other two items that select / unselect the coders on the page manually. These two options are only enabled when the user is visiting a vWorker.com results page.


For packaging the extension's files and produce the resulting .xpi file, a simple Makefile for the 'make' tool is provided. On Linux, the following instructions build 'vworkerextension.xpi' under the working directory (the 'zip' command needs to available installed):

$ make package

Alternatively, the .xpi file can be created manually by using the 'zip' command directly, or any other zipping software. The resulting .xpi file should contain the following files:

chrome/content/ff-overlay.js chrome/content/ff-overlay.xul chrome/skin/statusbaricon.png chrome/locale/en-US/overlay.dtd install.rdf chrome.manifest

Under linux, the following instructions build the .xpi file:

$ cd src $ zip -r ../vworkerextension.xpi install.rdf chrome.manifest chrome


The extension can be installed by drag-and-dropping the 'vworkerextension.xpi' file over an existing Firefox window, or by pointing Firefox to the local URL where the file is stored.

For example, if the file is stored in '/tmp/vworkerextension.xpi', the browser should be pointed to 'file:///tmp/vworkerextension.xpi'.
