Home > vysper-on-android


Vysper-on-android is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Demo of Apache Vysper running on Android

This is Apache Vysper running on Android. It currently requires Vysper SVN trunk and the following patch to Apache MINA 2.0.4:

Index: src/main/java/org/apache/mina/filter/ssl/SslHandler.java 
--- src/main/java/org/apache/mina/filter/ssl/SslHandler.java    (revision 1142628) 
+++ src/main/java/org/apache/mina/filter/ssl/SslHandler.java    (working copy) 
@@ -509,6 +510,7 @@ 
         for (;;) { 
             switch (handshakeStatus) { 
                 case FINISHED: 
               + case NOT_HANDSHAKING: 
                     if ( LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { 
                         LOGGER.debug("{} processing the FINISHED state", sslFilter.getSessionInfo(session)); 

To build, you need the Android SDK installed, you also need to create a file called "local.properties" in the project root, containing the following:

sdk.dir=<path to your Android SDK installation>

To build a debug distribution:

ant debug

You then need to start the emulator or connect the device

To deploy to a running emulator (or device):

adb install -r bin/vysper-on-android-debug.apk

To get a log from the emulator showing Vysper starting:

adb logcat

To set up port forwarding to allow a XMPP client to connect the running Vysper server:

adb forward tcp:5222 tcp:5222

You should now be able to connect an XMPP client to port 5222 on the host computer, which will be forwarded to Vysper running on Android. Pretty cool.
