Home > waimea.vim


Waimea.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Highlighting for Waimea config files

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=497

Highlight config files for the Waimea window manager (http://www.waimea.org). You can see a screenshot at (http://students.cs.byu.edu/~mtb6/waimea_config.png). It is not finished. I have the the menu files and style files highlighted. They aren't that great yet, but since there is a complete lack of highlighting files for Waimea config, I thought I would release this really early. Enjoy! And please feel free to send me feedback.

NOTE! I was contacted by the author of waimea, and he informed me that style and menu files will be changing in the near future, so I have not put any more effort into this syntax file. If there is a demand to make it complete for waimea 0.4.0 then let me know and I will certainly do so.