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Watershed is a project mainly written in EMACS LISP and COMMON LISP, it's free.

a down and dirty xml/html templating approach (this one with broken emacs mode) (warning: abandonware...) (note: aka the dreaded LHP)


WATERSHED is a term used to describe a time in television schedules during which it is permissible to show television programmes which have 'adult content'. Adult content can be generally defined as having nudity, explicit sexual intercourse, graphic violence, strong language, or drug references or use.


Watershed is a down and dirty way of producing HTML with lisp. Its goal is to be the fasted possible path from static html to dynamicly generated webpage.

Using watershed templates to make a deadline is something like solving a war with chemical weapons: It may solve the problem temporarily, but it will cause you and your neighbors problems down the road and the rest of the "civilized" international community will look down on you for doing it.

The problem is, of course, that using watershed means writing "throwaway code" and creating a website that will be almost completely impossible to maintain or change at a later date.

You have been warned.


Instead of embedding <?php ... ?> elements in HTML like php, watershed simply uses uses ( and ) to switch in and out of Common Lisp from HTML.

The following php file:

    <?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'; ?>

is like the following watershed file:

    (format *html-output* "<p>Hello World</p>")

(of course you'd want to use one of the template functions, not FORMAT to write stuff to the client's browser...)

The "special operators" HTML and XML switch back back to html/xml mode.

So you could use something like:

    (let ((place "World"))

         ;; in lisp mode

           <!-- back in html mode -->
           <p>(format *html-output* "Hello ~A" place)</p>


Use the escape character to insert literal ), (, or characters.


Watershed'understands toplevel IN-PACKAGE forms, so just put one somewhere near the top of your watershed file like you would with a ".lisp" file.

The default package inside watersehd templates is the :WATERSHED-USER package, which uses :CL and :WATERSHED and exports nothing.


Watershed assumes template files are encoded in UTF-8.


Watershed should come with "watershed-mode.el" which automatically switches a between lisp mode and some other mode--by default html-mode--according to watershed semantics. So the buffer starts in html-mode, when the point enters a sexp it switches to lisp-mode, when it enters an HTML or XML operator it switches back to HTML mode, etc... This enables you to use tab-completion, M-., function signitures, etc, inside templates.

It should also come with "superior-watershed-mode.el" which provides the elisp function WATERSHED-COMPILE-BUFFER, which compiles a watershed template buffer with with SLIME (like SLIME-COMPILE-FILE except no fasl involved) and displays the notes.

note: I have not used watershed since switching to Djula, the slime/emacs funcionality is currently broken if I remember correctly :-/ --Nick

utf-8 breaks my SLIME/Emacs

Put this in your .emacs file:

 (set-language-environment "UTF-8") 
 (setq slime-net-coding-system 'utf-8-unix) 



    • -

    Variable bound to a character output stream when rendering templates. Write characters to this to send stuff to the user's browser.


    • -

    Function. PRINC's THING to *HTML-OUTPUT*

  • HE (THING)

    • -

    Function. PRINC's THING to *HTML-OUTPUT*, html-escaping it on the way out


    • -

    Function. PRINC's THING to a string then html-escapes it.

  • UE (THING)

    • -

    PRINC's THING to *HTML-OUTPUT*, url-encoding it on the way out.

    Note: assumes UTF-8 so be careful if seen around HUNCHENTOOT:URL-DECODE, which probably assumes LATIN-1 by default (see HUCHENTOOT:*DEFAULT-EXTERNAL-FORAT*).


    • -

    Function. PRINC's THING to a string then url-encodes it.

    Note: assumes UTF-8 so be careful if seen around HUNCHENTOOT:URL-DECODE, which probably assumes LATIN-1 by default (see HUCHENTOOT:*DEFAULT-EXTERNAL-FORAT*).


    • -

    Function. Returns the url-decoded version of STRING.

    _Note: assumes UTF-8 so be careful if seen around HUNCHENTOOT:URL-DECODE, which probably assumes LATIN-1 by default (see HUCHENTOOT:*DEFAULT-EXTERNAL-FORAT*).


    • -

    Macro/special-operator. When used in normal code, HTML is a macro that writes any literal strings you give it to *HTML-OUTPUT*

    When seen in a watershed template, HTML sends the parser back into non-lisp mode mode until the appropriate closing )


    • -

    Macro/special-operator. Synonym for HTML for the other type of people in the world.


  • COMPILE-WATERSHED-TEMPLATE (path &key (type :template) (enctype :utf-8) (compile t) to-bytes)

    • -

    Function. Returns a thunk (0-argument function) that, when called, renders the watershed template pointed to by the file designator PATH.

    If TYPE is EQL to the keyword:

    -:TEMPLATE, then PATH is assumed to be a watershed template

    -:LISP then PATH is assumed to contain lisp code (without template semantics). When the function is called, the lisp code will be evaluated with *HTML-OUTPUT* bound to a string-output-stream, so all the template API should work (except HTML and XML will just be macros and not "special operators").

    • :LISP-NO-BUFFER, then PATH' is assumed to contain lisp code (without template semantics). When the function is called, the lisp code will be evaluated. HTML-OUTPUTwill _not_ be bound, so none of the template API that depends onHTML-OUTPUT` will work.

    • :TEMPLATE, :LISP, and :LISP-NO-BUFFER all understand top-level IN-PACKAGE forms, so just use them like you would in a normal ".lisp" file.

    The default package is :WATERSHED-USER.

    If COMPILE is NIL then COMPILE-WATERSHED-TEMPLATE just returns the lisp source code of this function, not a compiled function.

    If TO-BYTES is T, the funtion returns UTF-8 bytes instead of a string when called.