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Wdd_slides is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Beginner's Guide to WDDBS Slides Project

README for WDD_Slides Project

by Stephen Rivas JR

About: This project is a personal endeavor during a short break from my degree at Full Sail University. It's base intent is to take things I've learned that may or may not be apparent during the degree, and pass them on to other students.

As its starting to evolve, I eventually hope for the project to be upgraded in the future through other students. I'm using a few tools and technologies that I feel are really nice and could possibly be of benefit during multiple stages of the degree. At it's core, its an HTML/CSS slideshow with tips & tricks. I'm also developing it primarily through Cloud9 IDE, as well as an open GitHub repository.

On top of that I plan to store all the information in a Cloudant database based on CouchDB so that in the future perhaps the slides can be curated to remain as relevant as possible.

My goal currently is that rebuilding this project or adding to it will benefit students looking to explore these technologies and their resilience on an application scale similar to WDD_Slides.