Home > web-project.g8


Web-project.g8 is a project mainly written in JAVA and SCALA, it's free.

g8 template for web projects

SBT Web Project

g8 template for the same stuff I put in every sbt web project


Includes codahale's assembly-sbt sbt plugin for building and deploying fat jars.

The web project includes references to Jersey 1.4, Apache Velocity 1.6.4 and simple-velocity 0.3.0. Additionally, Jetty 6.1.26 and ScalaTest 1.2 are included for testing.


Uses codahale's fig project for configuration.


Assuming g8 is installed:

mkdir my-project && cd my-project
g8 bryanjswift/sbt-project
mv gitignore .gitignore
sbt update

Move VelocityLog.scala into a package and update src/main/resources/velocity/velocity.properties with the appropriate location of VelocityLog.

More Information

If g8 is not installed please see readme for g8
