Home > WebBroker


WebBroker is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

This mini project was started because i wanted to find a way to host the messaging queue service via a web service.

A few considerations was necessary to decide how we wanted to do this

  1. The messaging service was to support AQMP a.k.a Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
  2. It should be able to support the usual HTTP protocol
  3. Ideally, it should be RESTful (not implemented yet, soon)

After discussing with my colleague, Liu Xiao Hui aka as Oreh Linden (ahh the good ol'days in Linden Lab) we decided that i should build one instead using CherryPy and Pika.

What we have

  1. Create named Queues
  2. Send messages to named or default queues
  3. Create exchanges
  4. Send messages to named or default exchanges

Getting Started

  1. Download Celery 2.2.4
  2. Download CherryPy 3.2.0
  3. Download RabbitMQ 2.3.1
  4. Download Python 2.6+
  5. Download the codes to a dir named "WebBroker"
  6. CD to that dir and run "python ./main.py"
  7. Start the CeleryD process "celeryd --loglevel=debug"
  8. Start RabbitMQ in detached mode "sudo rabbitmq-server -detached"


If you like what we did, please send feedback to [email protected] I shall be glad to hear from you
