Home > webfaction-api-piston-wrapper


Webfaction-api-piston-wrapper is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

webfaction api piston wrapper

  1. git clone [email protected]:lolcode/webfaction-api-piston-wrapper.git
  2. start a new django app
  3. add the clone to your python path in settings.py (sys.path.append)
  4. change your user name and passwd @ settings.py (use API_WEBFACTION_USER and API_WEBFACTION_PASSWD)
  5. add webfaction_api_piston_wrapper to INSTALLED_APPS
  6. append (r'^webfaction/', include('webfaction_api_piston_wrapper.urls')) in urlpatterns

See it in action (requires curl):

curl --verbose http://localhost:8000/webfaction/domain/ curl -d "domain=some-new-domain.com&subdomains=sub1&subdomains=sub2&subdomains=sub3" http://localhost:8000/webfaction/domain/ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8000/webfaction/domain/some-new-domain.com

TODO -DomainHandler -delete should receive a optional list of subdomains -implement PUT method: add subdomains (change the main domain is not allowed)
