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    517 projectE219: Miscellaneous controller cleanup

Team: OSS_projects_WH Members: Wei Jia (wjia), Huijun Zhang (hzhang12)

We have modified some controllers, and add functional test for each controller that we modified. Controllers we have worked on:

  1. pg_users_controller
  2. popup_controller
  3. profile_controller
  4. publishing_controller
  5. questions_controller
  6. reports_controller
  7. roles_controller
  8. roles_permissions_controller
  9. site_controllers_controller
  10. statistics_controller
  11. student_team_controller
  12. suggestion_controller
  13. survey_controller
  14. survey_deployment_controller
  15. survey_response_controller
  16. system_settings_controller
  17. teams_users_controller
  18. tree_display_controller
  19. users_controller
  20. waitlists_controller

Modification on controllers we have done:

  1. pg_users_controller The class PgUsersController is inherited from UsersController. There are two methods "create" and "remove_user" in pg_users_controller.

These two methods are not called by any models or views. As a result, we think these code can be deleted.? This method creates an entry in the users table. It is caled from the Add Super-Admin, Add Administrator, Add Instructor, and Add Student functions. The parent field identifies the entity in the users table (e.g., an instructor) that created this entry (e.g., a student).

  1. popup_controller There are four methods, team_users_popup, participants_popup, view_review_scores_popup, and reviewer_details popup. Each one of them has its own view page.

view_review_scores_popup is not called anywhere, so it can't be viewed. The code can be deleted. Other 3 methods are called by views/review_mapping/_report.html.erb. They can be viewed by http://localhost:3000/review_mapping/review_report/267(or 268).

In popup_controller.rb, we found that there are code duplications in team_users_popup and particapants_popup. We merge the code into one function, and make two methods call the same function.

  1. profile_controller There are two methods in profile_controller, "edit" and "update". They are called by view/profile/edit.html.erb and can be viewed by http://localhost:3000/profile/edit.

Everything looks fine. We didn't modify anything.

  1. publishing_controller There are four methods in publishing_controller, view, set_publish_permission, update_publish_permission, grant and grant_with_private_key. view, set_publish_permission, update_publish_permission and grant are called by view/publishing/view.html.erb. grant_with_private_key is called by view/publishing/grant.html.erb. They can be veiwed by http://localhost:3000/publishing/grant(view).

Everything looks fine. We didn't modify anything.

  1. questions_controller

create and update methods code reuse.

  1. reports_controller

Only one method "view". It looks fine.

  1. roles_controller

create and update methods code reuse.

  1. roles_permissions_controller

create and update methods code reuse.

  1. site_controllers_controller

create and update methods code reuse.

  1. statistics_controller It can be viewed by http://localhost:3000/statistics/list, but the view_response and list_survey pages cannot display.

view_responses method inside code reuse! I defined cal_resopnse() for each calculation of responses.

  1. student_team_controller

create and update methods code reuse.

  1. suggestion_controller

All the method defined in the suggestion_controller are actions and has corresponding html file in the view or called in some of the html file. And it doesn't exhibit code redundant here, so we didn't modify it.

  1. survey_controller

There is noting to change in the survey controller, only one method, assign, is defined in the controller, and it has the corresponding html file, however, in the view for the survey, there is also a file called list.html.erb, it is completely the same with assign.html.erb, so I think it could be deleted.

  1. survey_deployment_controller

(1).move the add method in survey_development_controller to the survey_development model. The method should not be in the controller, it doesn’t mean an action, and there is no corresponding html file in the view for survey_development.

(2).Make some code change: i> @survey_deployment.course_evaluation_id = 27 (I'm not sure whether it's correct here to give the course-evaluation_id = 27, withouth given the value, error will be reported as there is no place that give the value for the variable course_evaluation_id)

ii>@course=Course.find_all_by_instructor_id(session[:user].id).map{|u|[u.name, u.id] }, change u.title to u.name, there is no column called title in the table for course.

  1. survey_response_controller

We didn't find any redundant code here, so it's fine here and we didn't make any change.

  1. system_settings_controller

For system setting, the only change that should be done is perhaps to move the foreign method foreign to the model of System Setting. However, I didn’t make the change here, the definition of the method foreign reduce the redundant of defining the same variables, so I thinks it’s proper here.

  1. teams_users_controller

There is no redundant here and all the methods defined in the controller have corresponding html file in the view, they are all absolutely actions, so it's fine to define them in the controller.

  1. tree_display_controller

I define a new method called goto_find(s) to reduce the redundant code in the controller. def goto_find(s) node_object = TreeFolder.find_by_name(s) session[:root] = FolderNode.find_by_node_object_id(node_object.id).id redirect_to :controller => 'tree_display', :action => 'list' end

  1. users_controller

It's fine for users_controller. We didn't find any code redundant part. All the functions defined in the controller are actions and have corresponding html file in the view except two methods, get_role and foreign, however the two methods are private and protected, so we think it's ok to leave them in the controller and they also exhibit code reuse, so it's fine here.

  1. waitlists_controller

There is no change need to be done for the controller.

We have added one functional test file for each controller that we modified, and one test case for each method that we added, as shown in the code in test/functional folder.

All tests have passed.
