Home > tutorials


Tutorials is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, it's free.

Jumpstart Lab Tutorials


View the tutorials online at http://jumpstartlab.github.com/tutorials/

Run them locally by checking out this repository, then:

bundle exec jekyll

Open http://localhost:4000/ in your browser.


GitHub pages does not yet support the latest version of Jekyll/RedCarpet, so the markdown tutorials using fenced code blocks will not work properly. To view them: run Jekyll locally, open _config.yml and change markdown: rdiscount to markdown: redcarpet.

The materials are in a mix of Textile and Markdown. I'm working on converting everything to Markdown.

The index pages are just placeholders, you need to figure out the URLs for individual tutorials manually.


Please make edits to the original markdown/textile and submit pull requests. I'm currently working through the JSMerchant tutorial.
