Home > Wicket---Oracle-Template


Wicket---Oracle-Template is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Starter application implemented with Apache Wicket & Oracle

This project is designed to provide a strong starting point for information systems which will be implemented using Oracle & Apache Wicket.


Install Oracle XE ( http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/express-edition/downloads/102xewinsoft-090667.html )

Download the latest version of the Oracle JDBC Driver - which is at the time of writing ( http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/jdbc-112010-090769.html ). This is a single .jar file.

Download the latest version of the Oracle Universal Connection Pool - which is at the time of writing ( http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/downloads/ucp-112010-099129.html ). This is a single .jar file.

Download and setup the latest version of Gradle - which is 0.9 at the time of writing ( http://www.gradle.org/downloads.html ). If you use Maven, a pom.xml has been provided.


The root folder is the one which contains the file 'build.gradle.'


a. For Gradle users :

Open the file ROOT_FOLDER/build.gradle. Search for the following lines - which will need to be customised for your needs:

oracle_install_user              = 'sys'
oracle_install_password          = 'hello'
oracle_install_sid               = 'xe'
commandLine "C:/oraclexe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/BIN/sqlplus.exe"

systemProperties 'unit.test.connection.pool.url'                : 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@'

b. For Maven users :

Open the file ROOT_FOLDER/pom.xml. Search for the following lines - which will need to be customised for your needs:


Note that typically, Oracle listens on port 1521.


Open the file ROOT_FOLDER/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml

Modify the line:


and change the connection string to your liking.


a. For Gradle users

Create a new folder called 'lib' within the root folder. Place the jars containing the Oracle jdbc driver and the Oracle Universal Connection Pool into it. Note that the 'build.gradle' file requires that the Oracle jdbc driver .jar be called 'ojdbc-' and that the Oracle Universal Pool .jar be called 'oucp-'

b. For Maven users

Add the Oracle jdbc and ucp jars to your Maven repository.

These lines in the pom.xml define the artifact and groupid that I've used.




It is recommended that you create new, default tablespaces on your Oracle XE installation. There is a script in this project which can be found at:


You will need to customise the following lines:

define path_to_default_tablespace = 'c:/oracle_tablespace/ts_template.dbf' define path_to_default_temp_tablespace = 'c:/oracle_tablespace/tts_template.dbf' define path_to_default_undo_tablespace = 'c:/oracle_tablespace/uts_template.dbf'

The installation will not create any folders for you - you'll have to do this yourself.

In order to run this script you will need to log in to Oracle using SQL*PLUS, as either the SYS or SYSTEM user.

You will only ever have to perform this step once, ever.


a. For Gradle users

On the command line, navigate to the project's root directory. In order to build the database, you can issue the command:

gradle buildDatabase

Given that you completed step 1 successfully, gradle will lauch Oracle SQL*PLUS and install the database portion of this application.

b.For Maven users

On the command line, navigate to the project's root directory. In order to build the database, you can issue the command:

mvn exec:exec

Given that you completed step 1 successfully, Maven will lauch Oracle SQL*PLUS and install the database portion of this application.


Toggle between 'development' & 'deployment' modes by modifying the following lines in the file 'ROOT_FOLDER/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml' :


a. For Gradle users

On the command line, you can now issue the standard gradle commands to build, test and launch the application. The following command will compile and launch the application:

gradle jettyRun

The application should now be accessible via:


b. For Maven users

On the command line, you can now issue the standard Maven commands to build, test and launch the application. The following command will compile and launch the application:

mvn jetty:run

The application should now be accessible via:



Credentials are case sensitive - after the install,you can login using the username : SUPERUSER and the password : sup3r!2
