Home > wii2osc


Wii2osc is a project mainly written in C, it's free.

Sends wiimote events via OSC

Wii2OSC - README $Id: README 6 2007-11-19 16:56:56Z leucos $


wii2osc converts data received from a wiimote to OSC. Every keypress will generate an OSC packet. Every keyrelease will also generate an OSC packet. If accelerometer is activated (-x flag), every change in accelerometer values will generate a packet (watch your batteries !)


Usage : wii2osc -s -p [-w wiimote_address] [-gx]


OSC server IP address (mandatory, no default). Put the OSC server IP address here.

-p : OSC server port (mandatory, no default)

Put the OSC server port address here.


: OSC base address (default : '/')

Base address for the OSC message (also called 'path'). wii2osc will take care of the trailing '/'. If no path is given, wii2osc will use '/'

-x : use accelerometer (default : no)

This switch forces the use of the accelerometer (eating up your battery, and flooding your network w/ OSC packets). Default is to deactivate it.

-g : enable debugging (default : no)

Prints wiimote states and accelerometer values (if -x supplied) to stderr.

-w : Wiimote bluetooth hardware address (default : autodetect)

Specify wiimote hardware address. If not used, wiimote will be autodetected. To get the hardware address for yor wiimote, try autodetection first. If it doesn't work, you can check it out with 'hcitool scan' :

user@host:~$ hcitool scan Scanning ... 00:15:41:9D:C0:53 laptop-0 00:15:41:9D:AB:42 laptop-1 00:19:FD:BD:C0:4D Nintendo RVL-CNT-01 user@host:~$


To build wii2osc, just issue make. You need to have at least libwiimote-0.4 and liblo-0.23 installed properly.


This code is GPLv2 and is provided as-is. Send all inquiries/flames/comments to [email protected].

If you use wii2osc to make something übercool, please, send your story.

Have fun.

