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Apex is a project mainly written in COMMON LISP and EMACS LISP, based on the View license.

http://human-factors.arc.nasa.gov/apex ("fork" of Sourceforge 3.0 version)

Updated 1/14/06

NOTE: This is a Beta version of Apex 3.0. It is lacking the level of documentation, code cleanup, and general completeness we would ideally prefer for our open source distribution, but is provided this way for users who would like Apex immediately.

The most up-to-date Apex documentation can be found online at:


Please see the file LICENSE for terms of the NASA Open Source Agreement under which this software is provided.

The contents of this directory are described as follows and represent the 'apex' CVS module (e.g. 'cvs checkout apex')

Apex distributions look a little different. If this directory is converted into a distribution it will contain additional files and be missing some of those listed. Directions for creating distributions are found in 'notes'.

apex/ Makefile (conveniences for Unix users) README (this file) agreement.txt (license agreement for users) apexlib (application libraries) apexprefs (default preferences file) build-image.lisp (builds distribution image) eli/ (Emacs Lisp Interface for distributions) examples/ (example applications) extensions/ (user extensions to Apex) hosts.cl (logical pathname translations needed by load.lisp) load.lisp (loads Apex) notes/ (developer notes) patches/ (Apex patches) regression-load.lisp (load file for regression tests) regression-tests (regression test suite) run-regression.sh (regression test script) system/ (source code of Apex system)