Home > wizzard


Wizzard is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the AGPL-3.0 license.


Wizzard¹ is a spell-checking and -correcting webservice, written for the s3-e1 exercise of Ruby Mendicant University.

¹ obviously


Wizzard requires a working raspell library – please refer to raspell’s README for Aspell setup instructions.

At the moment of this writing, Dylan Markow’s fork works under Ruby 1.9.2.


Wizzard is a Sinatra-based webservice, and the example config.ru file can be used with the rackup command (or any Rack-compatible server such as Shotgun, Thin or Unicorn).

Please refer to the spec/wizzard/app_spec.rb file and the Borrowing library for functionality and usage examples.

© MMX-MMXI Piotr Szotkowski [email protected], licensed under AGPL 3 (see LICENCE)
