Home > wmon


Wmon is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

This application is used to display the contents of the websites monitoring log file. The website monitor is also included.

The config.ru is a Camping application with some extra code to make it a Rack enabled Camping application. Rack was used as the Passenger/mod_rails module for Apache also works with Rack applications.

The monitoring app is made up of a config/startup file in site_mon/fmdhs_mon.rb and a bunch of libraries in 'lib'. It is pretty straightforward what needs to be done, to add a new website to monitor, by looking in fmdhs_mon.rb.


Required gems:

gem install camping --source http://code.whytheluckystiff.net gem install mechanize gem install rubyful_soup gem install log4r gem install rufus-scheduler

The following folders need to be created:

tmp public log


ServerName websites.localhost DocumentRoot "/public" ErrorLog "/log/error.log" /public"> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all