Home > woim-haskell


Woim-haskell is a project mainly written in Haskell, it's free.

A woim parser written in Haskell

Information about WOIM can be found here: http://www.isene.com/artweb.cgi?article=012-woim.txt

UPDATE: 2010-09-28 New version written with parsec. Parses the original woim format better, and is much easier to extend, in order to parse the whole format. Still parts are missing.

This is a project I'm doing to learn Haskell. I made a rough draft in Lisp before I started with Haskell. Lisp version is available here: http://github.com/knobo/woim-lisp

Changes in the format: For now I have made one change in the format. Instead of inerpreting * as an indicator of multiline items, I assumes that it is a multiline item if the next line is indentet with two spaces more. NOTE: This is only true for the non-parsec version. The parsec version can parse everything the right way.


  • Make new WoimItemTypes and parse every woim line in to correct type.

  • Produce some "useful" output, like json, dot, or xml.


Thanks to |Jedai| on irc.freenode.org for helping me with the old buildTree function, in the first version. Which was the most difficult function as I had to introduce my own state variable to use in the recursion.

Again thanks to #haskell, for beeing there while I learned parsec
