Home > wordpress-deployment


Wordpress-deployment is a project mainly written in PHP and JAVASCRIPT, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

Wordpress multisite deploy script

Capistrano script I use for deploying changes/themes/plugins/updates across several Wordpress multisite setups I run. It allows me to easily ensure that all setups are the same.

Requires: Ruby Capistrano Multistage ( sudo gem install capistrano-ext ) Railsless Deploy ( sudo gem install railsless-deploy -s http://gemcutter.org )

To Setup: '/config/deploy' contains the configs for the servers you want to deploy to. Edit them to suit your needs.

You will need a wp-config.php file and a wordpress database.

To Use: To run do 'cap server-name update:start'. for example: cap deptest update:start

This script deploys the wordpress files to the location specified in the configs. Move over the wp-config.php and point apache to the deploy folder and everything should work.
