Home > Words-Calculator


Words-Calculator is a project mainly written in C++, it's free.

A calculator which can take words as well as numbers as input . Good exercise on parsing and data structures.

This project was done in a day. This calculator is unique in a way that it can take both words and numbers as input. Words can also refer to operators. Also supported are floating point numbers, negative numbers etc.

Although it sounds simple, writing the parser and coming up with the algorithm was a good exercise in Parsing and data structure.

E.g. of what is supported

  1. 2 + 2

  2. two plus two

  3. two + two

  4. 2 * with two

  5. five plus seven * eight (shows that precedence is in relation with DMAS)

  6. three million fifty thousand seven hundred eighty * fifty two + 78

  7. negative five plus 3

  8. -5 + 3 (no space between - and 5 )

  9. negative three hundred and sixty minus negative five

// in 10th case please note that whatever the value is in () is separated by spaces // Value between parenthesis will be considered as the value after the decimal point 10) three thousand three hundred thirty three point ( thirty three ) * three

  1. negative five hundred and fifty point ( two ) divide eighty five point ( five )

  2. negative eight plus 5 negative

  3. three + xyz

14 ) one million minus five hundred thousand
