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Worf is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the View license.

Worf is a little bit of JavaScript that converts a Woff file to an inline OpenType/TrueType @font-face declaration.


Help! The people who sold me this font only allowed me to host a Woff version of the font and now it doesn't work in Safari!

<script type="text/javascript" src="convert.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  WORF.font_face('impact.woff', "
    font-family: 'Impact';       
    font-weight: normal;         
    font-style: normal;          

Ok, now it does. You still need to specify which elements should use the font.

em { font-family: Impact, sans-serif; }

The technical version

Worf is a little bit of JavaScript that converts a Woff file to an inline OpenType/TrueType @font-face declaration.

When you license a (web)font from a foundry you're not always allowed to host an OpenType/TrueType version on your own server. However, you are often allowed to host a Woff version of the file. Safari currently doesn't understand Woff so you need the OpenType/TrueType version to make it work.

Because Worf converts the font inside the browser you're abiding by the terms of the license.


For browsers that support Woff the penalty is obviously very low because nothing needs to be done except detect that Woff is supported.

Safari needs to run the conversion of the font which takes a certain amount of time. Usually less than 300 milliseconds per font and more often something like 150 milliseconds.

Because the conversion is cached in local storage Safari only needs to do it once.

Using multiple fonts

You can supply a list of fonts to load, which is faster than using separate statements:

  "font-family: 'Impact'; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;",
  "font-family: 'Tahoma'; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal;"