Home > WP-LatexRender


WP-LatexRender is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Fork of LatexRender plugin (MathJax fallback)


I've been using Latex Render for my Wordpress blog, but want to try MathJax (javascript math rendering). This is a replacement for the latex.php engine.

Problem: switching to MathJax breaks RSS and email!


  • Keep wp-latexrender as normal. All content between [tex]...[/tex] is converted to an image, RSS and email friendly.
  • Tag generated images with a class ('tex'). The "alt" attribute is the original Latex.

In your blog, after the content is rendered:

  • Convert the images back into MathJax with javascript:

    $('.tex').each(function(){ $(this).replaceWith('$$' + ($(this).attr('alt')) + '$$'); });

  • Manually run MathJax to convert the images back into its format [fits better, font scaling, etc.]


  • You can use $$ ... $$ (my preferred mathjax settings) for displayed equations, no need for [tex]...[/tex]
  • You can use %% ... %% (my settings) for inline equations. Currently, inline is "converted" to HTML. So simple things like exponents become "sup" tags, \sqrt becomes the html entity, etc. These are wrapped in a

    <span class="tex-inline" alt="(original formula)">...my HTML conversion... </span>

and you can convert this to real inline MathJax with:

$('.tex-inline').each(function(){ $(this).text('%%' + ($(this).attr('alt')) + '%%'); });