Home > wp-site-variables


Wp-site-variables is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

Site Variables WordPress Plugin

Allows a multisite install to provide site defined variables that can be used throughout the network sites.

Site: http://github.com/Ravenna-Interacive/wp-site-variables


Plugin can be downloaded on the Github Downloads Page.


Download the zip, unzipped and upload the wp-site-variables directory to your wp-content/plugins directory for your WordPress installation. After the plugin is uploaded go to the plugin management page and click on "Network Activate".

After installing he Network Admin can define a list of variables that can be configured for each site. This can be configured by using the Super Admin -> Site Variables menu.

Once variables are defined. Site admins can configure the values for these variables by using the "Settings -> Site Variables" menu item.



In blog posts and pages the shortcode var can be used to include the variable as configured for that site. If a variable with the name Title has been given the value Super Awesome Title for that blog then using this shortcode:

The title of this site is [var name='Title'].

Will generate the output:

The title of this site is Super Awesome Title.

You can also provide a default value if no value has been configured for the blog:

[var name='Title' default='No Title Given']

Template Tag

Use this template tag to use the variables in your theme:

<?php multivars_value('Variable Name'); ?>

Where the 'Variable Name' is the name of the variable you would like to output

Full method signature:

<?php multivars_value( $variable_name, $default_value = '', $echo = true ); ?>


  1. $variable_name: String (Required) - Variable name as defined in the options panel.
  2. $default_value: String - If a value has not been defined for the give $variable_name (default: '')
  3. $echo: Boolean - Outputs the returned value to the template (default: true)


(String) The value provided by the site configuration for the given $variable_name. If no $default is provided then returns an empty String.
