Home > WRadar


WRadar is a project mainly written in C#, based on the View license.

A radar application for WoW. This radar uses windows form objects drawn on the fly for more dynamic functionality.

READ THE DISCLAIMER AND LICENSE. Failure to do so does not constitute a breach or circumvention of the content and agreements therein.

If you're using Visual Studio 2010, please open the Radarv10.sln solution file. If you're using Visual Studio 2008, please open the Radar.sln solution file.

.NET Version 4.0 is necessary.


Main Form: H - Toggle HUD Mode M - Toggle Topmost Mode T - Open Tracking List Editor X - Toggle Exclusive Mode Ctrl + Q - Quit

Tracking List Editor: Ctrl + N - New Tracking Pattern Enter - Edit selected Tracking Pattern Delete - Delete selected Tracking Patterns

Tracking Pattern Editor: Enter - Save / close current tracking pattern (Validates). Esc - Cancel creationg / edit of the current tracking pattern.
