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WTFuniform is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Use WTForms to output uni-form enabled forms.

Pretty forms with uni-form and WTForms

A python module that allows you to use uni-form with WTForms to give you great looking, optionally client-side verified forms very fast.

The wtfuniform module extends many of the wtforms classes with the needed functionality. Since it imports all the wtforms names and has the same structure, you can use it the same way by changing the import.


# note that the only difference from normal wtforms usage is importing
# from a different module!
from wtfuniform import TextField, PasswordField, SubmitField, Form, validators

class LoginForm(Form):
    username = TextField('Your username', [validators.Required()])
    password = PasswordField('Your password', [validators.Required()])
    login = SubmitField('Login')

# optional, see below: render the form
from wtfuniform.helper import render_form

The module in detail

To properly work with uni-form, many of the WTForms widgets are extended with extra functionality:

  • Widgets have the proper CSS classes (such as textInput for text input fields).
  • CSS classes for client-side validation are added, uni-form will validate accordingly.
  • BlockLabelsWidget is a widget that functions almost like a ListWidget, but omits the labels. It is used in conjunction with RadioLabeledInput and CheckboxLabeledInput to produce the proper multi checkbox/radio inputs used in uni-form.
  • All of the above is easily accessible by the CheckMultipleField for checkboxes. The default RadioField is already overriden to use these new widgets.
  • All of the validators are extended with javascript functionality and will perform the same check client-side first, alerting the user of his mistake before he clicked submit.
  • There is a helper module wtfuniform.helper that includes two functions for HTML code generation: render_field and render_form. For an example on how to use these with jinja2, see formtest.html and simpletest.py.


There are some extensions to the code that are not mandated by uni-form. These included:

  • DateField and DateTimeField have extra css classes of dateInput and dateTimeInput. This makes it easy to attach date selectors using javascript, e.g. by using jQuery.