Home > xfterm


Xfterm is a project mainly written in C and SHELL, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

xfce terminal mod supporting magic ssh/screen integration, given scripts in my profile repository to exploit it

What is it?

This is the Terminal emulator application. Terminal is a lightweight and easy to use terminal emulator for the X windowing system, with some new ideas and features that makes it unique among X terminal emulators.


The file 'INSTALL' contains generic installation instructions.

Performance issues

Terminal is based on the Vte terminal widget library, just like gnome-terminal. Vte is probably not the fastest terminal emulation library on earth, but its one of the best when it comes to Unicode support, and not to forget, its actively developed. That said, performance is still an important issue for a terminal emulator and Vte with font-antialiasing enabled can be very slow even on decent systems. Terminal therefore offers the possibility to explicitly disable anti-aliasing for the terminal font. If you are experiencing problems with the terminal rendering speed, you might want to disable the anti-aliasing for the terminal font.

How to report bugs?

Bugs should be reported to the Xfce bug tracking system (http://bugzilla.xfce.org, product Terminal). You will need to create an account for yourself.

Please read the HACKING file for information on where to send changes or bugfixes for this package.
