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XGT is a project mainly written in C#, it's free.

Collection of tools and libraries to speed up 2D XNA game developement


XGT is a set of tools and libraries to speed up the developement of 2D PC C# games

Namespace summary:

-Animation -- includes AnimatedSprite class which is an easy way to create automatically animated sprites from sprite sheets -SpriteFontMaker -- a tool to quickly create .spritefont files and the code required to import them -XmlFileDesigner -- a tool to design XML documents, populate them with content and automatically parse them in to the game -Input -- Manange keyboard (and mouse) interaction specifically allowing users to hook up key press events to actual events -Collision -- Provide a collision manager for 2D objects -GameSreen -- Provide a set of classes to manage games with multiple (potentially nested) screens

    -Demonstration of use

    -Tidy up design

    -Be able to create new schemas 
    -Add data to the schemas
    -Generate the code to import the xml files

    -Events for listening to specific keys
    -KeyboardManager needs events for keys down as well as key pressed (ie events that keep firing)

    -Collision Manager
    -Collision object

    -Screen Manager

-LevelDesigner -- A robust xml level editor. Allows you to position textures, define properties for them and export as an xml

Features: -Working animation class that allows for rapid deployment of animated sprites with multiple stances -Event based Keyboard, Mouse and Button managers -Keys and mouse clicks can fire events after specified time -Buttons support hover, pressed and released events,

Todo: -Input -Mouse - double click events with specifiable time delay -Access to see how long button been pressed -Buttons - right & middle click functionality -ButtonManager get what button is being pressed or hovered -Keyboard - modify events to provide information on how long that key has been pressed -Collision -Yet to implement -GameScreen -Yet to implement -SpriteFontMaker -General UI improvements -XmlFileDesigner -Yet to implement -Screen -Nested screen
