Home > xlvector-github-contest


Xlvector-github-contest is a project mainly written in C++, it's free.

xlvector's solution of github contest

h1. Introduction

I am XiangLiang from China. Here is my "homepage":http://sites.google.com/site/xlvector You can follow me in the Twitter, my account is "xlvector"

h1. Algorithms

  1. knni : item based knn

  2. knnu : user based knn

  3. knnui : hybrid item-user based knn

  4. knni-all : item based knn with language and reponame information

  5. knnu-all : user based knn with language and reponame information

  6. repos : using collaborator data (downloaded by github API)

  7. bagging : blending different algos

  8. In bagging/main.cpp, there are many pre-processing methods used 1) diversity : we find it is very hard to predict recommendations for users who watches a lot of repos. So, making diversity recommendations can improve prodiction accuracy of these users. 2) popularity : if a users does not view popular repos before, it means he may not like popular repos, so, we can delete popular repos in recommendation list.

h1. License

Before the contest is ended, you can not use my results.txt, however, it is free for you too use my source file.

After the contest is ended, you can use everything I pushed to github.

