Home > XML-SWF-Charts-for-CI


XML-SWF-Charts-for-CI is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

A CodeIgniter library for simplifying the task of generating XML for the XML/SWF Charts library found at http://maani.us/xml_charts/

Author: Doron Horwitz ([email protected]) License: New BSD License (http://doronhorwitz.github.com/bsd_new_license.txt) Site: http://doronhorwitz.github.com/XML-SWF-Charts-for-CI/


XML/SWF Charts for CI is an open-source CodeIgniter library for simplifying the task of generating the XML used by the XML/SWF Charts tool (http://www.maani.us/xml_charts/). This library contains methods corresponding to each of the base XML nodes which are listed in the XML/SWF Charts reference. By calling the relevant methods, an XML DOM document is built up. In this way, the library hides the complexity of manually building up a DOM document to generate this XML.


For CodeIgniter 1.x.x: place the Maani_xml_swf_charts.php file in the //application/libraries directory For CodeIgniter 2.x.x: place the Maani_xml_swf_charts.php file in the /application/libraries directory


See http://doronhorwitz.github.com/XML-SWF-Charts-for-CI/documentation.html
