Home > xmpp-scripts


Xmpp-scripts is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and SHELL, it's free.

Scripts to generate XMPP users, roster management (add and remove), taking users online en masse


xmpp-scripts is a set of scripts written in node.js to generate a large number of users on an XMPP server, or to add (or remove) them to a single user's roster, or to take them online en masse (the idea is to test roster performance of an XMPP client in a controlled environment).

Basic usage goes like this:

# Create user1 and user2 on an XMPP server
$ node main.js register user1 user2

# Add user2 and user3 to user1's roster and vice-versa
$ node main.js roster-add user1 user2 user3

# Remove user2 and user3 from user1's roster and vice-versa
$ node main.js roster-remove user1 user2 user3

# Take user1 and user2 online
$ node main.js go-online user1 user2


Ensure that node-xmpp and all its dependencies are installed:

$ npm install node-xmpp -g

Clone xmpp-scripts and update submodules (this clones a fork of node-xmpp):

$ git clone git://github.com/chaitanyagupta/xmpp-scripts.git
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Create a file called conf.js and fill your run-time parameters (server details) accordingly:

 exports.host = '';
 exports.port = 5222;
 exports.domain = 'cg-mac.example.com';


See usage examples in the introduction.

To generate a large number of usernames, one can use a script like gen-usernames (included in the repository):

$ ./gen-usernames user 1 7

The output of gen-usernames can be used to pass arguments to the main script:

$ node main.js register `./gen-usernames user 1 7`


The user that is created with register has the same password as username.

For roster-add, its best to limit the number of users (to be added to the first user's roster) to around 200. At some beyond that, roster-add fails -- I do not yet know why this happens.

register should work with any XMPP server which supports in-band registration (XEP-0077). Other actions should just work with any XMPP server.

However, the code is not tested much, and it has only been tested with Openfire.

In other news, event-driven programming (read: node.js) sucks for scripting.
