Home > xmpp4rails


Xmpp4rails is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

A xmpp4r wrapper turned Rails plugin...with a few advanced features like user registration and multi-user chat sends.

NOTE: if anyone wants to take this thing let me know. I'm not doing anything with Rails these days...

xmpp4rails is a xmpp4r wrapper turned Rails plugin...with a few advanced features like user registration and multi-user chat sends.

[Note: this is a open project in development. The features that exist, exist because they are what I need. If there's an xmpp4r interface that you need let me know, or add it and submit a patch. I'd like to see a consolidated set of Jabber tools - rather than a dispersed set of functionality across mulitple plugins. I'm no Rails expert, and even less so on the testing side. I'm learning and attempting to get coverage up to par - including a stubbed out Jabber server.]

This project is currently licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

Any questions, comments feel free to get me at kitplummer(at)gmail.com

xmpp4r: http://home.gna.org/xmpp4r/

See the actual code or generated rdoc for the interfaces. To utilize the stubs you need to copy the xmpp 4rails/test/mocks/test/xmpp4rails.rb to your #{RAILS_ROOT}/test/mocks/test subdirectory.

There's a simple rake task to do this for you too:

rake xmpp4rails:setup

To uninstall the stub:

rake xmpp4rails:remove