Home > xwc-sandbox


Xwc-sandbox is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

OBSOLETE CODE - xwc-sanbox is an attempt to create a modular CMS running on symfony2, allowing to easily create sites from ready made components (bundles)

XWC Symfony Sandbox

What is XWC Symfony?

It is an open source CMS built on Symfony2 framework with use of the Twig templating engine as well as the Doctrine ORM. The project is an initiative of Tangent Labs Ltd.


Symfony is only supported on PHP 5.3.2 and up. To check the compatibility of your environment with Symfony, you can run the web/check.php script, bundled with this sandbox.

Installation instructions

  1. Fork the project on github
  2. Set permissions

    chmod 777 app/cache -R
    chmod 777 app/logs -R
  3. Set dbal connection and orm in app/config/config.yml

      host:     localhost
      dbname:   xwc_sandbox
      user:     root
      password: root
    doctrine.orm: ~
  4. create database

    php app/console doctrine:database:create

  5. create table on database

    php app/console doctrine:schema:create

  6. load fixtures via doctrine

    php app/console doctrine:data:load

    1. generate the proxies for the entities

      php app/console doctrine:generate:proxies

  7. go to "http://WEBSERVER/xwc_sandbox/web/app_dev.php/show/homepage"

Recommendation on YML / PHP / XML configuration

  • We use YML for configuration
  • We use twig for templating