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Yahooplacefinder is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Yahoo Place Finder wrapper for Android

Yahoo Place Finder for Android


  1. Create new instance of YahooPlaceFinder.
  2. YahooPlaceFinder has two constructors. You can use either:
    • Lat and Lng; or
    • Address
  3. Assign the result as JSONObject object.
  4. If it's succeed, the result will be not null. Otherwise, null.


    String lat = "-6.234567";
    String lng = "106.23123";

    YahooPlaceFinder ypf = new YahooPlaceFinder(lat, lng);
    JSONObject result = ypf.getReverseGeo();

    // you can check for the result here
    if (result != null) {
        // Success. result contains the information needed.
    } else {
        // failed.