Home > YandexGeocode


YandexGeocode is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Rails plugin for yandex geocode service

Gets geo coordinates through the +yandex geocode+ service How to use: rails plugin install https://[email protected]/sunchess/YandexGeocode.git

You need JSON gem gem install json or gem 'json' in Gemfile

You may use with https://github.com/PavelTyk/ya_map plugin there is config/ya-map-api-key.yml.

If you use rails and have api key in file config/ya-map-api-key.yml

@geo = Geocode.new or @geo = Geocode.new("long_api_key")

Get result from service @geo.get("Москва")

Parse json results @geo.parse @geo.result #return [37.617671,55.755768] or @geo.find("Москва") @geo.result #return ["37.609218", "55.753559"] strings in array!
