Home > yellow_belt_groovy_katas


Yellow_belt_groovy_katas is a project mainly written in Groovy, it's free.

This is a template for beginner level Groovy Katas done with tests in easyb specifications. The katas are taken more or less from the Coding Kata site.

I was inspired to do this by Carin Meier who was inspired by the oft-inspirational Jim Weirich.

I'm a beginner Groovy programmer so learning I set up this project with Gradle, instructions to get things set up are included below:

Setup instructions

Install Gradle

Go to a command line: gradle clean check

optionally add --info or --debug


There are two branches, master and solutions. The solutions branch contains the solutions.


Please let me know if you see anything that can be done better, I'll be doing the orange_belt_groovy_katas next an want to do a great job.
