Home > yesod-admin-crud


Yesod-admin-crud is a project mainly written in Haskell, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

Admin CRUD interface for the yesod web framework

Admin CRUD "sub-site" for the Yesod web framework.

CRUD means Create, Read, Update, Delete. This module provides access to the site's database for an admin user.

Setting up

Instructions of how to add the sub-site to Yesod's scaffolded website:

Add routes

Add to config/routes

/admin  AdminR  Admin  getAdmin

Create separate module for "foundation type".

The site's foundation type needs to be moved out of Foundation.hs as it will be needed by Model.hs. Not moving the type to separate module will cause an import cycle.

Create the YesodAdmin instance

In Model.hs, change

share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"] $(persistFile "config/models")


share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll", mkYesodAdmin ''SoundRadix] $(persistFile "config/models")

(Added , mkYesodAdmin ''SoundRadix)

Create YesodAdminUser instance

In Foundation.hs, add

instance YesodAdminUser SoundRadix where
    isAdminUser = return True
  • You will probably want to change the code of isAdminUser to determine whether the logged-in user is an administrator user or not.
  • YesodAdminUser is exported by Yesod.Admin.User.

Fix imports

The changes describe above require several imports and language extensions. These should be simple to solve.


  • Make it look nicer.
  • Selecting which part of the table to see if it has many rows.